Jo Dikta Hai Woh Bikta Hai

Share of shelf visibility

Brands Audited


Customized Audits

Smployee Satisfaction

User Defined KPI

Everything that is visible on the shelf facings can be read by our AI based image recognition technology. Users can define all the KPIs they want tracked and measured from the audit

Smployee Satisfaction

Open Geo

Unlike panel retail audits , which are restricted to only Geo where there are predefined retail panels, Datawise allows you the flexibility of choosing any Geo of your choice.

Smployee Satisfaction

Negligible Manual Operation

The only manual intervention is the image captured by the Company’s beat salesman. He can capture the shelf images through Datawise’s customized app. Post the image capture the entire process is completely digital.

Smployee Satisfaction

No Limit on number of outlet for Audit

Manual panel retail is limited to the number of stores in the panel. There is absolutely no limit to the number of stores that can be audited with Datawise. In fact to optimize audit cost it advised to cover large number of stores in the audit

Smployee Satisfaction

Quick Turnaround

The audit reports are updated on BI or equivalnet dashboard with 48 hours of the image capture

Smployee Satisfaction

No surveyors to be hired

Datawise has a very simple image capture app which can be integrated with any of the sales apps already employed by the company. The salesman on his routine beat can capture the shelf images and upload it instantly for data processing, completely eliminating the need of surveyors thus reducing the cost of audit substantially.

How It Works


Datawise is a retail visibility audit company.

All you have to do is take pictures of the retail shelf and upload it to our servers. Our state of art image recognition technology can extract the data from the image and provide a count of the number of products displayed on the shelf.

Smployee Satisfaction

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