Case StudyConstem AI to Datawise

Measuring retail visibility of the smallest SKU in the hair care category, ‘Sachet’

Case Study

The challenge

A leading hair care wanted to do an retail audit on their Sachet SKU 80% of the hair care business comes from sachets. The brand wanted to know their share of visibility in the kirana outlets.

Kirana outlet are very small spaces, cluttered with several products hanging on a wire across the shop.

The sachet sizes are about 2”x1.5”. The challenge was to count competitive sachet strips and provide as much granular details as possible.

Constem AI image recognition expertise

Constem AI engineers trained the data on this smallest SKU in the shampoo category not only to read brand names but also sub-categories, ingredients and benefits.

Here’s are the sample report data that were analysed for confidentiality

Data by Brands

Smployee Satisfaction

Data by Sub-Categories

% Facings shampoo Sachet Sub-Variants

Data by Sub-Categories

Data by ingredients

% Facings shampoo Sachet ingredients

Data by ingredients

The Date accuracy provide by the system was 85%